born in the usa, i was, born in the usa

home grown stock

again, the page was so friggin' bulky that i am just making links pages. these aren't permenant because i eventually want to make a more sophistacated site. and what was i on when i wrote such cleaver page titles?

pages one through ten

you can't eat just one
double your fun
three's a crowd
four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock rock
fifth times the charm
six seven, righty-o
seventy-seven, we all go to heaven
why is six afraid of seven? because seven eight nine! (gawd...)
ninety-nine cents a page
today's show is brought to you but the number ten

pages ten through twenty

eleven rhymes with heaven
the big one two
friday the thirteenth!
are you in high school yet at fourteen?
old enough to go places, but too young to drive there
sixteen, wheee...
the edge of seventeen
adulthood, legally anyway
still a teenager
one more year to drink
