heheh, isn't it odd how ryan is the same height as kathy sitting when he's kneeling?
ack! his head it floating!
ryan, ryan, ryan... :::shakes head::: people don't wanna know about that!
they seem happy.
ok.. you can hardly see wayne! he blends in! colin seems to be examining brad, and i think ryan is falling off a cliff. ahhh the magic of whose line.
i love this picture... what's with the smirk...?
wow, chip must have some serious balance! wvery try standing on a stool? exactly.
colin... looks like he's in pain, i think. and i think ryan digs that canteen a little to much. poor greg.
this is just cool. glance at it real quick. weird huh?
chip looks like he's going to spit or... something.
home again, home again, lickety-split.
paaagggeee twwwoooo