i love love... and i love to love love.

i love love... and i love to love love.

page two of pics from the us whose line. again, some of these are seriously out there. gotta love them. oh, on a side note, all the titles or the pages are said by different guys on the show. how inventive is that? (this title was said by chip, in a game of 'let's make a date'.)

after years of bald jokes, colin finally snaps.

awww! how sweet.

i'm sorry, but what could they possibly be doing that would make this ok? (email
me if you know!)(ryan looks hot here.. why?)

ryan started to have convulsions during 'let's make a date', but nobody knew cuz they thought it was part of his quirk.

colin's turn! (see above)

brad! he looks incredibly buff from that angle. colin, it's ok for men to cry, don't hold back!

a rare airborne shot of ryan. (seriously, he never leaves the ground)

monkey! man, can brad jump high or what?

there is just way too much going on in this shot. is that colin and... wayne on the ground? what's suppose to bo going on?!

poor colin. wow! they have the same pants on. how... cool... Heheh, brad looks stoned.

drew's looking a little uncomfortable

this is kind of freaky....

home is where the heart is.
slide on over to page three