i love ryan's robe. is that chip in the background? probably not, but looks like it!
i don't know why, but this picture strikes me as weird. dang, nice pool though! (check out the slide! How awesome would that be?!)
"what's the haps brooother?" (ok ok, i know that what he actually said, so what?)
being pulled in to many directions at once.
ok, this is just one big "what the hell?"
ok, they aren't really doing anything weird, but brad and chip doing a song together?!?! (this is from the 2nd improv all-stars)
chip chip, chip chip chip...
wow, colin.. never seen him dressed like that before!
what's up with his finger? is that normal?? if it is, dang he has long fingers.
i now know what this is from! thanks to christina from chip esten: improvisational man of mystery. she let me know that it is from 'the night before christmas' disney special last year! still, an incredibly cute picture.
this is so cool! that's all i have to say about that
ok, i know that deidrich is in this picture, but c'mon now, what the hell? And why have i never seen this episode?!?!
more!!!!! yay!!!
home, home on the range