he had the kind of face only a mother could love. if that mother was blind in one eye, and had that sort of milky film over the other one.

he had the kind of face only a mother could love. if that mother was blind in one eye, and had that sort of milky film over the other one.

these are some misc. pictures that are just a little weird. ya know what i mean? well off ya go!

colin singing?! when he really doesn't have to? wow.

yes, that is Brad Sherwood. scary huh?

:::gasp::: colin in jeans?! i've never seen it before.

i don't really remember why i put this one here. Oh well.

i personally like the ryan/colin kisses better, but hey, beggers can't be chosers.

ahh! he looks friggin possesed!


check out the blond ladies hair in the backround!!!

just another angle for colin in jeans.

John and Colin? Wow, thats someting you don't see everyday! (Check out Ryan's face in the backround. lol)

more misc!
home keeps me there