the first rule to living in america is 'stop tap dancing, you fool!'

the first rule to living in america is 'stop tap dancing, you fool!'

welcome to page nine of the uk wtf pictures! there's more pages on the way! remember you can always email me with any comments or pictures.


the whose line version of 'riverdance'

after hours of intellectual argument, colin goes for the infant approach.

chip's voice for this quirk was really cool. very nicely done.

colin kind of reminds me of a chicken here for some reason. i'm not quite sure why...

i remember to going some site that was dedicated to chip, the tall man with the average feet. Or something like that. look at his shoes! he is pretty tall, his feet should be bigger. (here's the site! chip esten) thanks christina!)

ryan uses this tactic a lot. but hey, it's still funny, and sometimes realistic looking.

the first time i saw this picture i thought the prop was someone bending over, who was wearing khakis.

yikes! colin looks peeved!

greg and ryan have a special relationship.

page ten!