Since the updates were kind of taking up a lot of room on the main page, I decided to make a page with all the old updates. Only the current update will be on the main page. Makes that page less cluttered. Check back for more updates!! Oh! Email me any links that you think could be helpful.

11/5/02 - well if you can't see today's update, you may need glasses.

10/26/02 - well, i haven't updated in a while, sorry. but just a little one today. added a new picture to the front page and added 2 more pages of us wtf picture. enjoy.

9/7/02 - ok, i thought the site as going to be down for the whole month because of bandwidth restrictions, but apparently not. anyway, i made a new page of u.s. wtf pictures. and right now i am currently working on getting more jeff and kathy pictures due to some 'encouragement' from some 'people'.

8/18/02 - i finally have transfered all the pages over to 50megs. offically, in my opinion, angelfire sucks ass. no more of those remote linking errors should come up. at the moment though, not all the pictures have been uploaded, but i'm working on that. so just look around, most of the stuff is working. this has been the most tedious thing i have done in a long time. lol aaaaah, i'm going to go crazy if i have to do anymore! thx.

7/18/02 - well if you came in through the main page, you'll see the update. i made a little intro page just to make the site sleeker looking. hope it worked. and i went kind of buck wild with my fanlisting things, but euh oh well. more updates coming soon.

7/17/02 - ok, the last time i updated was march 28th. as of right now, i'm doing a total overhaul. i hate the way this site look, its so amaturish... i am making everything uniform (which is incredibly time consuming) and when i get around to learning some more advanced html programming, i will make the site totally different. as of right now, everything is going to be in 'verdana' and small. also, i am never going to use caps. i just like the way it looks. i still have to move a crap load of stuff over from anglefire and 50 megs keep making pop up ads for this page. it just sucks. i wanna get hosted somewhere. anyway, i make this page more compact because i hated the way it looked before, all bulky. also i added a few uk wtf pictures. i will be updating more now, since inspiration has spoken. but i'm going on vacation saturday and won't be back for two weeks, but after that, its all about updating. well that's about all i guess. are you good at html programming? like tables and snarp looking sites? please email me and help me out! thanks again and come back soon for more updates!

3/28/02 - Not exactly an update, but a BIG change. I have decided to move the site to a different server because angelfire has started bandwidth restrictions, and it really sucks for this site, because there are so many graphics and pictures. So I'm in the process of moving EVERYTHING. So far, this main page, the updates page and page 1 - 7 of the normal pictures have been moved. I'm off from school until April 8th, so hopefully I'll move everything before then. Thanks! http://wlhmm.50megs.com is the new URL.

3/2/02 - No actually picture updates today, but I did go though EVERY page and change my email address. Since @home is now gone, my email is now kinisk4stiles59@comcast.net. If I missed any email links, please let me know. Thanks!

2/16/01 - I have FINALLY updated again! I added pages 12, 13, 14 and 15 to the US wtf pages. I also created a new section today, just on whim. I have created a section just dedicated to my favorite Ryan pictures. Go here to check it out.

1/12/02 - Only a small update today. I added page 12 to the UK wtf pictures. I also added a link to my live journal. Cause, hey, I'm a person too and I like to share it with people.

1/2/02! - Well, ok I said I was going to update during the Holidays, and yea, I waited till my last day of break! Well first off, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! Yesterday (the 1st) was a GREAT WL DAY! I finally got to see the very first US WL episode! And that whole 'foal being born' thing was SO FUNNY! Anyway, back to updates. I did a lot today! Eventhough I should have been doing school work.. Oh well! I added 2 pages to the US wtf section. And 2 pages to the UK wtf section. Also, I added 4 pages to the 'regular' section. I'm up to 20 pages now! Well that's all for now! Hopefully more is coming this weekend!

12/23/01 - Only a small update today! I added page 16 to the 'regular' pictures. I hope you all have a Merry and Safe Christmas!! I hopefully will be updating a lot during break. I'm off until the 3rd! Yess!

12/8/01 - Only a little update today. I added page nine to the US wtf pictures. Come back soon for more updates!

12/4/01 - I did a few things today, I added pages 14 and 15 to the 'regular' pictures and I added a section devoted to THE Too Hot episode. Also I added a few new buddy icons. I've been kind of busy with school, so I haven't updated in a while. Christmas break is coming though! (I'm up to 360 pictures so far, with many more to come!)

11/21/01 - Ok, so I haven't updated in a little while, sorry! Today I added a new page to each wtf section (UK and US) and I added two more pages to the 'regular' pictures. Check out the 13th page for the BEST EVER picture of Ryan. It's the first one. Well check back soon for more updates! Hopefully I'll be updating more because I'm off till Monday (11/26/01) and then Christmas holiday is in a few weeks! (12/23/01 - 01/03/02)

10/23/01 - I added a new 'feature' to the site. Whose Line Buddy icons! Go here to check them out. Whose Line is on tonight!!!

10/19/01 - Wow, I haven't updated in a while! Well my computer was messed up last weekend. But now it's finally fine. Well I didn't have school today, so I did a little update. I added a page to the regular pictures. It's up to 11 pages now!

10/2/01 - Today I added page 8 to the UK wtf pictures and page 10 to the regular pictures. Also I won an award! It's at the very bottom on the page.

9/29/01 - Lots of updates today! I added another page to the US wtf pictures, I added 5 pages to the 'regular' pictures and I added to banners to the links section! Today was a busy day

9/28/01 - A little update today, I added a page 5 to the US wtf pictures and page six is a third of the way done. This weekend I will hopefully add more to the 'regular' picture section. (I've got TONS of those) Check back soon! And remember to sign the guestbook!

9/25/01 - I added a lot today! Page six and seven on UK wtf pictures and a new banner to the links section (Whose Line Asylum, AWESOME site!)

9/18/01 - Actually updated today (lol). Added 2 pages of UK wtf pictures. Hopefully I will have more time this weekend. Check back!

9/15/01 - I haven't really had any time to update with school and all the NYC and DC stuff (I'm from Md, smack in the middle!), But I might have time this weekend. Hope all your love ones are accounted for, and God Bless You.

9/2/01-I got banners! Thanks to Moochrette! (her page is on my links page!) She is Awesome!

9/1/01-I have inlisted some help!! I just seem to be running out of creative captions, so I have gotten Sam to help me out! (She emailed me a few days ago, about this site. We started talking and she's quite the funny lady! She's helping me come up with a lot of captions!) You can contact her here

8/31/01-I got some more pictures today! I seem to have accumulated a bunch of Colin pictures recently! Check out the links page too for pages that helped me get some of those pictures! Thanks!

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